Few thinkings about time….
On what does our gaze open? It sends back to us the image of a space that unfolds and that invites us to move freely. Is the time, an invisible reality thatRead More…
On what does our gaze open? It sends back to us the image of a space that unfolds and that invites us to move freely. Is the time, an invisible reality thatRead More…
We saw in the post (Productivity gains are the conquest of happiness) that productivity gains, by generating surpluses, opened the way to innovation. Without the productivity gains made possible by the steamRead More…
The setting of prices for goods and services is an essentially economic mechanism, because it determines not only wealth, by valuing the goods and services exchanged, but also the value of theRead More…
It began with agriculture. The productivity gains of agriculture in France have allowed the development of other activities for the well-being of men and women. Let’s start from the state where eachRead More…
No one doubts that the adaptability of human societies is the key to their survival. Jared Diamond describes the example of the Viking stable society in Greenland between the 10th and 15thRead More…
Europe is a mosaic of territories, assembled by borders cut out as the solution to a complex human puzzle. Since the beginning of time, in order to exist and to become aRead More…
Printed on the Greek 2 euro coins, and on the 5 and 20 euro banknotes, the face of Princess Europe fills the pockets of all Europeans. Those who are still unaware ofRead More…
During the Covid-19 epidemic, Europe acted towards the Eurozone countries as a shield to avoid a sovereign debt crisis that had shaken the zone after the subprime crisis. The IMF estimates thatRead More…
Rarely has any value marked humanity more than freedom. Throughout history, peoples and individuals have sought to free themselves from all the forms of slavery, servitude and subordination that afflicted them. IfRead More…
Nowadays, geopolitics has given way to geo-economics. Armed conflicts have decreased in number and size, the current weapons are customs duties, financial retaliation and blockades. The objective of geo-economics is to controlRead More…