Is America really running a race against the Machine ? Even if in August unemployment slipped to 7.3 %, its lowest level for five years, it is due mainly to people givingRead More…
No disruptive innovation without great productivity growth
By now, word Innovation flourishes often on political and managers lips as many entrepreneurs dream to transform an idea in gold. This is the modern rush. Looking at carefully, allows to discoverRead More…
Digitizing companies is industrializing France
There are many talks about re-industrialization of France discussing on industrial production and services, as there is great hope based on multiplication of plants expected to increase employment and thereby, providing anRead More…
How many enterprises will be buried next year in France ?
Current crisis is not only changing business environment but lead governments to change legal and taxation rules too. Some agents prefer saving money to investing which is often view as too riskyRead More…
Cooperation for transforming french economy.
If France does not transform its economy in depth, the financial crisis sounds the start of repeated crises. This transformation will not be the result of technical measures, but a radical changeRead More…
Successful Solvency II programs have opened the doors to enterprise architecture
Solvency II regulatory initiative aims to normalize the way Insurance companies will measure risks, will manage their portfolio in accordance and will report on their record to control authority. Such a bigRead More…
That’s why my friends CIOs need the best whishes for 2012.
CIOs don’t need to read any comprehensive Chaos Manor report to know that project deliveries come always in late and are never or rarely in advance. It is like flights or train travels, thingsRead More…
European crisis urges companies to reshuffling their change capabilities
European economic prospects are gloomy. Just have a look to newspapers frontpages if you are not yet convinced. In such context, as I wrote once, best strategy would be to “be preparedRead More…
It is time that Enterprise Architecture becomes a true art of Architecture…
Most of enterprises expect from their IT Division to develop and maintain information and communications infrastructure which includes networking and telecommunications, desktop computing, business management information systems, systems for technical information and computer security. This isRead More…
Enterprise architecture is the glue for innovation
Often I wonder why people start thinking about Enterprise Architecture only when “Information system” word comes on the table. All seems defined and almost decided, when the baton is passed to ITRead More…